For Women Seeking Meaningful Change
Jungian Mid-Life Mastery Coaching
Step Into Your Personal Power
Move Beyond Perceived Limitations
Fulfill Your Extraordinary Dreams
Do you feel disconnected and unfulfilled in your relationships?
Does the idea of change leave you feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed?
Are you finding it hard to move beyond a major life change?
Is something holding you back from creating the change you crave?
Does pursuing your passion or purpose feel overwhelming?
Perhaps your dream career or business feels out of reach or too big to achieve?
Are you struggling to bring your creative ideas to life?
Relationships... Career... Life Transitions... Personal Transformation
Good News,
You Are in the Right Place for Real Lasting Change.
I understand how overwhelming and stressful it can feel when life calls for major change.
Through Jungian life coaching, we'll uncover the deeper layers of self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs that prevent you from stepping into your fullest potential—empowering you to make meaningful shifts in your life with powerful practices and tools.
You'll Receive 1:1 Coaching:
Compassionate Guidance and Support,
Personalized Next Steps,
and a Creative Approach to Achieving Life Goals
Why is Jungian Life Coaching Unique?
Jungian life coaching combines the wisdom of depth psychology, neuroscience, and eastern philosophy to tap into the unconscious mind and unlock your creative potential.
Unlike traditional coaching, this approach goes beyond surface-level mindset shifts to uncover the underlying patterns and beliefs that hold you back.
Explore your unconscious mind to gain deeper self-understanding and quickly build the skills to create the authentic, meaningful, and connected life you crave.

"Coaching with Deb has touched me on a deep level. I now understand that it's important to honor what my feelings are in the moment and not just whitewash over them… like they didn't happen and they don't feel a certain way in my body. This frees me to move forward and ask myself ‘what is the new energy… what's the new creativity?' I also had this realization that the work is not just about me. Energetically, interactions now feel potent. I feel like I am connecting with people in a different way… the results show up in the way people respond to me as I hold a space of grace. As a direct result of how I am now able to show up, I have experienced a softening in others who have been difficult to deal with in the past."
- Linda N
Career & Life Transition Coaching
"Before doing hypnotherapy and shadow work with Deb, I was struggling to understand and experience my emotions which would lead to anxiety, panic attacks, and self-isolation. After just 3 sessions, I saw tremendous progress in my ability to process my emotions and work through anxiety. Her therapy helped me to be able to identify what emotion I am feeling without judgement and view myself in a more positive manner."
- Rachel G
Self-discovery & Empowerment
"In the short period of time working with Deb, my life has changed in drastic and beautiful ways that didn’t feel possible mere months ago due to the old patterns of thought that had been playing in my mind for years. With gentle guidance, Deb helped me realize the inherent freedom that has been there all along. Together we pulled back the curtain to see that it was my own projections and shadows I picked up along my life path that were keeping me from living the full and rich life I had been dreaming of. Things that felt so heavy and nearly impossible before became light, easy and clear with the insightful and soulful guidance from Deb. I am so grateful for her wisdom, knowing and warmth."
- Jordan P
Self-discovery & Empowerment
"Working with Deb has been such an amazing experience. I found her to be a compassionate and very effective coach as she has brought so much clarity and understanding into my life when I truly needed it. I had so many powerful moments with her during our sessions. She helped me move forward in my life and I am so grateful to work with her."
- Megan A
Relationship Coaching
Women Achieving Meaningful Change
Client Testimonials
Welcome... I'm thrilled you've found your way here—I truly believe in the power of this work and get so energized by helping women like you uncover their full potential!
As a woman who has navigated the challenges of mid-life myself, I deeply understand the inner struggles that come with change. Yet, through experience I can tell you that change does not have to be overwhelming with the right support and guidance.
No matter what change we are seeking, each one of us has what it takes to reclaim our personal power and tap into our creative intuition to realize profound change and thrive.
I would love to share with you how our work together will help you master the changes you seek and
create the meaningful life you crave!
To launch your Meaningful Mid-Life Journey
Schedule a FREE 30-minute Insight Call
You'll leave with personal insight, a sense of the power of Jungian life coaching, and an idea of how we'll work together to help you reach your goals.

Deb Larson
Jungian Mid-Life Mastery Coach,
Hypnotherapist, and Artist
Discover Just How Truly Capable You Are
When we stand in the truth and fullness of who we are...
we are empowered to transform every area of our lives.
Realize Your Creative Potential...

Jungian Life Coaching Can Help You...
Explore your unconscious mind and gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, fears, and creative impulses, and create the art your soul craves.

Live Your Higher Purpose...
Tap into your inner wisdom to create more meaning and purpose in your life. As you gain new self-understanding and move beyond conditioning that limits you, you'll gain greater insight, clarity, and intentionality.
Gain insight into your relationship dynamics through self-reflection. In our work together, you'll be empowered to re-imagine limiting beliefs and old patterns, embrace your true personality, express yourself authentically, and cultivate healthy, meaningful relationships!
Cultivate Fulfilling Relationships...

Overcome stress, anxiety, and burnout at through a holistic approach. As you learn to quiet your mind and manage your emotions, you will also reconnect with your intuition, and cultivate the resilience and insight needed to break free from negativity and create a life filled with harmony, purpose, and fulfillment.
Nurture Inner Peace, balance and Well-Being...
And So Much More!
"Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love."
- Rumi

When it came to navigating relationships, finding my purpose, and creating change, there have been many times when I too felt overwhelmed by emotions, self-doubt or indecision. Figuring out what's next... what needs to change... where to begin... and then actually making it happen can feel incredibly daunting.
We often believe that if only things changed externally, then we could achieve our goals and find happiness. Yet, what's mostly holding us back are our own unconscious fears and limiting beliefs. The change begins within.
Working with a Jungian life coach continues to profoundly impact my personal growth and meaning throughout every aspect of my life.
I will always have a coach at this point. The process of self-realization is an ongoing process... like you, I am always evolving. This coaching method has transformed not only my approach as a coach and hypnotherapist, but also the quality of my relationships. The inner work enables me to be more mindful, forgiving and compassionate both towards myself and others. What a gift.
Embracing my whole self has been a game changer, freeing me from reactions driven by fear and opening up new ways of responding. I now channel my creative energy into nurturing healthy fulfilling relationships and living my higher purpose:
Living A More Meaningful Life
Helping women like you discover their own super power to create the meaningful change they dream of!
"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."
- Carl Jung
This work will change your life too...
Jungian Coaching has the power to reshape your self-perception and way of relating to people and events, empowering you to thrive in life's most pivotal moments, your pursuits, career, relationships, and every day life.
It will enable you to show up in the world more authentically and grounded - with greater self-awareness, understanding, and the ability to practice self-compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and self-love even amidst life's adversity and challenges. Coming from this place of calm intention and thoughtfulness has a ripple effect on all around us.
When we show up as our whole, integrated selves, we become empowered to create the meaningful life we desire and make our dreams a reality... regardless of the obstacles that may arise.
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
- Carl Jung
A Meaningful, Authentic, and Deeply Connected Life is Calling.
How Will You Answer?
Mid-Life Mastery Coaching Programs
3-month Self-Discovery
6 private sessions (2/mo)
60-minute Zoom calls
Goal development guidance
Identify and address subconscious patterns, beliefs, and fears driving your life
Understand how family, community, and cultural expectations influence your choices
Guided visualizations
Actionable next steps
Exercises & recordings between sessions to reinforce in-session progress
Post-session notes with your insights
1 client check-in between sessions
Choose the package that's right for you. Payment options available.
6-month Empowerment
12 private sessions (2/mo)
Includes everything from 3-month package
Explore your archetypes for deeper
Access and harness the power of your
inner resources
Dream analysis to help you
navigate your journey
Additional support: You have access via text for questions and guidance
As women, we need to feel safe, seen and validated as we explore our inner world, share our thoughts, fears and emotions.
As your coach, it's extremely important to me that I provide grounded, compassionate support as I guide you through your personal journey of self-discovery and renewal.
It will be my pleasure to share the gift of this work with you and help you tap into your creative imagination and innate wisdom to create an exceptional life aligned with your vision!

You Deserve
Compassionate Support
It's time to step into your personal power and discover just how capable you are.
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
- Carl Jung
Mid-life Mastery Through Meaningful Change
Empowering Tips... Insights & Observations... Success Stories
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Free Resource:
Jumpstart Your
Meaningful Mid-Life Journey
With this Free Guided Visualization Recording
What's Holding You Back From Living Your Best Life?

Experience the Power of Your Creative Mind!
Are You Ready to Realize Your Dreams and Goals?
Let's Connect...
Reconnect with Your Inner Wisdom and Create the Life You Desire
Through Jungian Life Coaching, you’ll cultivate:
Meaningful Relationships: Build deep, authentic connections that nourish your soul and reflect your true self.
A Sense of Fulfillment: Unlock your passions and align your career or personal pursuits with your deeper purpose for lasting satisfaction.
Abundant Well-being: Transform your mindset and energy to attract balance, vitality, and inner peace into every aspect of your life.